Based in Lion City, Serving China
Company registration
Multi-Family Office Services (Singapore Family Office Series Introduction 7)
2023-08-02 13:48:19
Company registration


Wealth management/investment services

1. Check the overall financial situation of you and your family.

2. Set household investment goals

3. Determine the risk profile and investment period.

4. Develop global asset allocation and investment strategies

5. Evaluation of unregistered securities

6. Manage bank relationships and provide recommendations accordingly

7. Open a private bank account on behalf of others.

8. Assist in managing discretionary and non discretionary investments


Monitoring and Reporting Services

1. Comprehensive global bank account reporting

2. Integration and reporting of all household assets (including non bank acceptable assets)

3. Comprehensive Performance Report

4. Risk adjusted performance report and risk attribution analysis

5. Benchmark comparison

6. Financial Year Performance

7. Risk Reporting

8. Provide an online reporting system.


Family governance services

1. Assist families in establishing a sound family governance system.

2. Assist in planning the inheritance plan for family businesses.

3. Assist in protecting heritage

4. Develop a family charter

5. Assist in organizing family gatherings and meetings

6. Assist in organizing family council meetings

7. Serve as a consultant/mentor for family members

8. Provide personal parenting based on the needs of family members


Real estate services

1. Serve as a real estate consultant

2. Customized real estate search services

3. Assist in remote luxury home transactions

4. Assist in establishing a real estate investment portfolio.

5. Assist in purchasing real estate

6. Assist in selling real estate

7. Assist in managing domestic and foreign real estate

8. Safety of private residences

9. Arrange real estate financing/mortgage loans


Wealth planning services

1. Assist in establishing effective asset and investment structures to promote tax planning.

2. Provide advice on asset ownership, management, and distribution

3. Assist in establishing structures to protect privacy and wealth


Tax/International Tax Planning Services

1. Plan to avoid double tax agreements on family businesses and real estate.

2. Suggestions on local and international taxation

3. Financial transfer payment of the company

4. Tax declaration (including declaration of residence)

5. Suggestions on global taxation


Trustee and Company Services

1. Provide advice on the establishment and management of companies in different jurisdictions

2. Management of family equity

3. Choose appropriate jurisdictions for trusts, family foundations, and other (company) structures

4. Assist in establishing, managing, and coordinating trusts, family foundations, and other (corporate) structures

5. Coordinate communication with relevant local and field authorities

6. Choose independent trustees and protectors.

7. Control the fees of external trust service providers.

8. Provide facilities for the registered office

9. Provide agency services


Charity and charitable services

1. Assist in charitable planning

2. Assist and guide the establishment and management of charitable foundations

3. Assist in developing donation strategies

4. Provide technical consultation and operational management for charitable causes

5. Establish subsidized family foundations and trust funds

6. Organize public welfare activities

7. Coordinating/coordinating fundraisers

8. The family office operates its own charity organization for customer participation.


International immigration services

1. Analysis of tax and other advantages of international migration

2. Assist in changing the place of residence.

3. Assist in obtaining a foreign residence permit

4. Assist in finding and applying for admission to overseas schools

5. Coordinate and contact all relevant authorities


Heritage planning services

1. Assist in heritage planning

2. Assist in drafting a will

3. Engagement planning

4. Assist in drafting and arranging prenuptial agreements

5. Assist in retirement planning

6. Arrange for the execution of the will


Manage airplanes, yachts, artworks, horses, etc.

1. Assist in acquiring and selling valuable items such as airplanes, yachts, antique cars, horses, etc. (enthusiastic investment)

2. Aircraft and yacht financing

3. Refinancing aircraft and yachts and reviewing existing arrangements

4. Establish a tax saving structure for yachts, airplanes, artworks, and similar valuable items

5. Provide electronic images and status reports of artworks through online systems

6. Record asset insurance details

7. Arrange for the repair and storage of artworks.


Insurance services

1. Evaluate existing insurance portfolios and execute new policies.

2. Negotiate and revise existing policies

3. Assist in arranging private life insurance as a wealth planning tool.

4. Arrange international medical and health insurance

5. Assist in arranging kidnapping and extortion insurance

6. Assist in arranging universal life insurance as an inheritance planning tool

7. Arrange international personal liability insurance

8. Arrange insurance for special assets such as aircraft, yachts, artworks, and other related valuable items.


Business Development/Investment Banking/Private Equity Investment Services

1. Provide consulting services for corporate mergers and acquisitions.

2. Assist in initial public offering (IPO)

3. Arrange structured financing

4. Matching partners

5. Assist in equity financing

6. Private Equity Investment and Structure


Family/General Affairs Support


2. Provide private secretarial services

3. Provide concierge services

4. Employment of domestic workers

5. Managing Housekeeping Personnel

6. Organize private activities

7. Support children to attend international schools

8. Purchase, Insurance, and Ship Assets


Administrative services

1. Provide general legal services

2. Provide document and record management.

3. Provide accounting services

4. Provide accounting services

5. Provide collection and archive management

6. Arrange payment of invoices, handle taxes, and ensure compliance with tax obligations.


Other services

1. Join the International Family Network and explore opportunities for joint investment and sharing of best practices.

2. Assist in establishing a single family office

More and more families are moving to other jurisdictions

Singapore is renowned for its position as a financial center and is also an ideal place to move. Through the Global Business Investor Program, successful entrepreneurs can obtain permanent residency in Singapore by investing directly or indirectly in Singapore, including establishing a single family office locally.